This front garden descends to the semi-basement, designed to bring colour and interest both at and below street level. We made the most of the clients' existing plants and planters, relocating an acer and a bay tree to enhance structure and emphasize the garden's vertical and horizontal lines. A new wisteria trained along the railings, adds a sensory touch for passers-by. The planting features discreet mounds of texture and color, carefully selected to thrive in the garden’s sheltered, low-light environment.
The view from the front door shows the range of colour and texture which is highlighted by the white pebbles. Our selection of tough perennial plants will grow to a variety of colours, textures and sizes; some will almost merge, while others will keep their shape clearly.
At the back of the house, we built a trellis on the upper terrace which allows the grape vine to surround the dining area. New planters to the rear hide the car in its off-street parking spot.
We loved the clients’ tiled frieze on the wall of the lower terrace, and based the colour palate for planting from it.